The average house price on GINKGO WALK is £275,452
The most expensive house in the street is 7 GINKGO WALK with an estimated value of £306,315
The cheapest house in the street is 8 GINKGO WALK with an estimated value of £244,276
The house which was most recently sold was 8 GINKGO WALK, this sold on 29 Jun 2021 for £226,000
The postcode for GINKGO WALK is CV31 3QT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GINKGO WALK Terraced , 58 m2 £273,236 £158,000 30 Aug 2006
2 GINKGO WALK Terraced £288,800 £167,000 22 Aug 2006
3 GINKGO WALK Terraced , 59 m2 £256,989 £208,000 1 Nov 2019
4 GINKGO WALK Terraced , 61 m2 £257,901 £136,000 5 Nov 2004
5 GINKGO WALK Terraced , 59 m2 £269,397 £233,000 18 Dec 2020
6 GINKGO WALK Terraced , 59 m2 £299,431 £82,500 8 Dec 2000
7 GINKGO WALK Terraced , 58 m2 £306,315 £77,500 18 Feb 2000
8 GINKGO WALK Terraced , 59 m2 £244,276 £226,000 29 Jun 2021
10 GINKGO WALK Terraced , 59 m2 £282,724 £225,000 25 May 2018